Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wellness Programs- What Are They Good For?

Well actually quite a lot. Many of us, when visiting our family doctor for a routine physical examination will choose to have blood tests similar to the ones offered by your local veterinarian for your pets run for ourselves. We may feel great, but we also want to know that our cholesterol, blood sugars, and other signifiers of health are all okay. Your doctor, much like your veterinarian, understands how important a good baseline is for us when diagnosing future health concerns and he or she also understands that when hidden health issues are detected early more options for treatment are made available

At the Animal Clinic at Thorndale, p.c. we offer two wellness programs for our patients. The first is a junior wellness program that includes a complete blood count (CBC), abbreviated blood chemistry profile and a heartworm test. Pets must be 6 years old or younger, have a complete physical examination, be current vaccinations, and not have any clearly apparent abnormalities that would require more extensive testing at the time to be eligible. These screenings help provide a baseline with which to compare when your pet is sick and can also help defer some of the cost of the annual visit since they already include a heartworm test. The senior wellness program is available for all our patients 7 years and older. This wellness program includes a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry, and urinalysis. These three simple testing procedures provide your veterinarian with invaluable information about your pet’s health status and can screen for potential health conditions such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, liver disease, anemia, and bleeding disorders. The earlier these problems are found, the sooner your veterinarian can help your pet feel better and fill those golden years with plenty of happy purrs, tail wags, and sunny walks in the park.

As you can see the benefits far outweigh any cost that will be incurred for these basic screenings. Not only will they give you the peace of mind knowing that your pet is in great health but also if the unforeseeable happens and they catch a hidden problem early enough they greatly improve the odds of your favorite pet living a long, happy life. So next time you take your pet in to see your veterinarian ask about what wellness screening programs they offer and give them a serious consideration. It could be some of the best money you’ve spent in a long time.

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